The Definitive Bootcamp for Creative Entrepreneurs Who Want BIG Success

Turn Your Creative Passion, Solo-Practice, Side-Hustle, or Freelance Gig into a Profitable Business

August 27 – 29, 2021

Don’t Wait! Special Pricing Is Now Active

Attract Amazing Clients

Work Less & Earn More 

Build a Profitable & FUN Business

3 Months of Work Done In Just 3 Days 

  • Outline the right model for the business of your dreams
  • Plan for breakthrough pay & class-act clients
  • Make life-changing connections

3 days… plus YOU.

That’s all it takes for 2021 to be the year you turn the corner in your business.

Melissa McFarlane at her beautiful kitchen counter

You CAN transform your under­performing, overwhelming business into one that is passion-driven, energizing, and highly profitable.

Hi, I’m Melissa McFarlane, Founder of Creative Successful Entrepreneurs and your host for Play Big!, our creative entrepreneur bootcamp, now fully virtual for 2021. 

Over the course of just three days, from the comfort and safety of your own home or office space, I will take you beyond “business theory” to actually build the most important pieces needed in your business. You can create instant, profound shifts and breakthrough results…in just three days.

So if you’re ready to make real change in 2021…

Join me, my team, and other creative business owners at the 2021 Play Big! Creative Entrepreneur Bootcamp 

August 27 – 29, 2021 

It’s virtual!

Ticket Price: $997

Time-sensitive special pricing now available…

Just $197!

“Play Big in one word: Empowering,

…and magical,

…and inspirational,

…and yes, that is technically 

three words.”


– Alex Stein, Writer

Do You?… 
  • Have a creative talent or skill – that you’re really good at – but you’ve struggled to build a profitable business around it?
  • Feel you are stuck choosing between doing what you love and making the money you need to have the kind of life you want?
  • Spread yourself way too thin with long hours on too many projects for too little money?
  • Find yourself struggling to serve clients who are demanding, don’t pay well, and lack appreciation for your work?
  • Struggle to consistently bring leads to your business?
  • Wish you felt more confident in sales conversations?
  • Just want to find a better way? (Because what you’re doing isn’t getting you where you want to be.)


You Are Not Alone 

Many of our clients felt this way before they discovered our Creative Business Breakthrough system. Don’t miss your chance to join me and my team as we show you, step by step, EXACTLY what you need to do to turn your creative passion or solo-practice into a real, profitable business at the 2021, Play BIG Virtual Event!
When: August 27 – 29, 2021
Where: Anywhere! It’s virtual.

Ticket Price: $997

Time-sensitive discount pricing ONLY from this page…

Just $197!

Our Creative Entrepreneur Bootcamp Is For You If…

You Are… 

  • A Creator or Solo-Practitioner who wants to make a living with your workan artist, designer, coder, inventor, coach, writer, visionary, teacher or alternative practitioner
  • Eager to support others BUT… shy about sharing and asking for real help on your own genius ideas
  • Chronically overqualified and underpaid because you’re either working to lift up someone else’s dream or doing the W2 grind and relegating employing your authentic passion and truly valuable skills to “when you get some time” 
  • Bargaining with the freelance devil and pricing yourself straight to the bottom
  • Brilliantly broke! Pretending to be satisfied with a “modest lifestyle” because, you know, that whole “starving artist” thing
  • Buried in unfinished projects and undeveloped ideas because you’re too busy making too little money working for others so you can maintain that, frankly, sucky “modest” lifestyle


You’re Ready to…

  • Make good on the promise of your unique talents and skills  
  • Articulate and claim your big vision for your life and chart a course for being, doing, and having all that you desire
  • Realize your financial goals and have a positive impact, doing the work you know you are here to do
  • Find a better way to make your creativity pay by discovering how to smartly leverage your talents, skills and capabilities
  • Break free of the money roller coaster because you can’t build your life on the stress and worry of constant financial ups and downs
  • Stop compromising because yes, you can have “all the things” – a successful business, a loving relationship, time for family, travel, other passions – all of it!


Play Big Collage

Three Days:

What You’ll


You could spend months learning the key parts of a successful business,  and STILL not know how to put them together to make money. 

We accelerate your success through a unique DO-IT-FOR-YOU then DO-IT-YOURSELF format. 

You see exactly how our clients get results, and then you put key pieces together, with everything you need to achieve your own success, delivered to you right IN THE ROOM: 


  • Step by Step Training
  • Case Studies
  • Scripts
  • Templates
  • Timelines
  • Sample Funnels
  • Pricing models  
  • Breakout brainstorm sessions
  • Self and partner “pomodoro” work time
  • Expert panels 
  • LIVE 1-on-1 coaching
  • Q&A time with me and my team

Three Days Gets You

All Of It

Over 3 days, I will share my entire proven method, step-by-step, with you. Then, you’ll receive personalized support and input from my team as you actually build the key pieces of your creative business.

You will emerge from the experience with CRITICAL BUSINESS SUCCESS TOOLS and the CONFIDENCE TO WIN BIG.

Day 1

Build a Better You

Develop a Millionaire Mindset: What we believe forms our behavior. What we do determines whether we reach our goals or not. Breakthrough devastating beliefs and behaviors. Stop hiding. Quit the “dancing monkey” routine. Release fears and worry. Step into power.

Introduce Yourself & Your Business Confidently: Learn my proven process to immediately identify exactly who your customers are and HOW TO SPEAK TO THEM so they flock to your services, products, and offerings, buy over and over again, and THANK YOU. Write your high-converting business introduction and try it out on others.

Day 2

Build a Better Business

Get a Clear Business Plan:  Determine how to put all your offers together in a profitable business model that guarantees you earn what you need and want.

Build In-Demand Offers: Learn how to package your services or products properly for profit. Get proven guidelines to price them correctly. Stop working with low or no reward.

Day 3

Build a Better World

Attract More Clients Quickly: Get attention with a simple freebie you’ll build in the room. Help folks to Know, Like, and Trust you, as they move through a smart marketing funnel. 

Manage Smartly: See how to build a list fast. Identify the fast-entry strategy for finding partners that will 10x your business for you. Form key partnerships at the event.

Scale: Understand how to keep costs down. Know when and who to hire, and at what rate. Manage your team and clients well so they stay and play long term.


4 Super Useful Bonuses To Help You Grow Your Business Before and After the Event:


Bonus #1 – 7-Day Pre-Event Micro-Action Plan

To help you make the most of your time at Play Big, we’ve put together a terrific set of pre-event emails, with easy micro-actions you can complete in just 5-10 minutes each day. Get engaged with us early and win big at the event.

Bonus #3 – Priming the Pump for Passive Income Guide

Success happens when you’re making money when you sleep. This step-by-step guide (with it’s “critical steps” checklist), lays out how to successfully create, and then market, a passive income virtual product online. (This bonus is delivered after purchaser attends the Play Big! Event.)

Bonus #2 – My “What’s in a Name?” Training

Learn the rules for branding your business (and everything inside your business) for maximum attention, sales and results. (This bonus is delivered after purchaser attends the Play Big! Event.)

Extra Bonus: Chance To Win Prizes

Those who participate LIVE throughout the 3 days are entered to win BIG prizes: Private 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions, Email Copy Bible, Fortune Funnel Flowchart Library, etc..



Check it out…

CSE events are like a supercharger for a powerful sports car you didn’t even know you owned. I got farther faster in 3 days than I had in the previous 2 years of trying to figure it out myself.
Andreas Kraemer

CEO, Elite Business

Before I came to Play BIG I was confused about the amount of money I should charge for my services and exactly what to put in my offers to my clients. At the event I gained clarity and got a skeleton of my offer outlined.
Vanessa Fune

Founder & CEO, Tribe Unity

Not only is there great, helpful business content at this Play Big, but the event also helped me to establish the right mindset to lead a successful business. Melissa and the entire CSE team are extremely supportive and knowledgeable. The event is a game changer for any Creative Entrepreneur.

Cynthia Hildago

CEO, Style Spoken Here

At the event I realized how I could build-out my existing business, and quit my part time job. Thank you, Melissa and CSE, for doing what you do and pushing me to finally leap for my passion and be able to make a comfortable living at it.
Gill Boyd

Founder of Cookin’ Fresh

The Play Big! Event is a must-attend if you want to streamline your creative business, end the “starving artist” struggle, so you can experience success on your terms!

Register Now: Space Is Limited

 Even though this event is virtual, we are limiting attendance to just 100 committed, creative business owners, so that we can provide you with the personal attention and individual support that you deserve.

Get your ticket NOW for this life-changing event,
August 27 – 29, 2021.

Regular Price $997

Claim time-sensitive, EARLY BIRD pricing:

Just $197

Dear Creative Entrepreneur,

I think it’s fair to say that if you have read this far down the page, you are probably considering attending. And that’s good because if you’ve read this far, you are probably exactly the person I created this event for to help you transform from struggling to thriving as a creative, successful, entrepreneur.

I’ve done it in my own business, and I’ve helped hundreds of creative business owners, do it too. Watch the video to hear me describe the event.


They got their start at

Play Big…

Ten times what I had earned previously! Before working with Melissa, I spent four years under-charging and over-promising and producing a workload that was simply unsustainable. Melissa helped me reorganize, get back time for life and family, and GET PAID what I was worth! Within a few short weeks we’d transformed my business, getting 10 times what I had earned for the same work previously!
Randy Becker

Founder & CEO, NexTV Entertainment

The CSE method is so powerful for my clients. It helps them understand big concepts, affirms their experience and wisdom, and gives them the structure they need to make progress. As a CSE Certified Coach, I am able to support my clients not only with business skills, but also the mindset and personal transformation that needs to happen so they can reach big, scary goals. This holistic approach gives my business an edge and has helped me personally in ways I can’t even express.
Jess Joswick

Founder & CEO, Backbone Business

I experienced a $90K increase in my gross revenue over the course of 12 months. When I started coaching with CSE, I had a mere inkling that I wanted to do more with my life — and no idea how to generate income with this feeling. Through the concepts I learned regarding key elements for a business, and by uncovering the impact I want to make in the world, I have been able to create and grow a business that is now providing me a full time income.

Patient and persistent coaches helped me shift my mindset, shed limiting beliefs and allow abundance to enter. Once I stopped resisting, I experienced a $90K increase in my gross revenue over the course of 12 months. Five years ago I would have told you that was crazy talk. Now I am a living example that it is possible.

Maryann Udel

Founder & CEO, Sheltering Tree

Because of the skills and support I received from CSE, within 14 months of launching my business I went from zero to six figures!
Kelly Carlin

Founder , Women On The Verge

…And You Can Too!

You can transform your creative business, end the struggle and experience success on your terms doing what you love.

When: August 27 – 29, 2021
Where: Anywhere! It’s virtual.

Ticket Price: $997

Special pricing ONLY from this page…

Just $197!

You can transform your creative business, end the struggle and experience success on your terms doing what you love.

When: August 27 – 29, 2021

Where: Anywhere! It’s virtual.

Ticket Price: $997

Special pricing ONLY from this page…

Just $197!

About Your Host:

Melissa McFarlane – Founder & CEO of Creative Successful Entrepreneurs, Master Coach

Melissa McFarlane is an internationally recognized coach with over 28 years of experience in executive, business, and personal coaching. A sought-after speaker with a wide range of career and personal enhancement topics on which she presents, Melissa also has designed and taught many training programs and workshops around the United States and abroad. Her work focuses on assisting her clients in taking responsibility for, and then realizing, their personal and group potential. 

At Creative Successful Entrepreneurs, Melissa helps RIGHT-BRAIN creatives to make a LEFT-BRAIN living, and to get their big ideas into the world, where those ideas can make a difference. In her Catalyst Incubator, Melissa works with successful professionals who have accomplished much, guiding them to do more than they ever thought possible. Whether working privately 1-on-1, with elite small groups or in retreats and large group trainings, Melissa helps her clients to create new personal and professional visions, define timelines and action plans, learn skills, assemble support, maintain accountability and ultimately make good on the promise of lives.